Following a devastating 2008 hurricane season in which three hurricanes and a tropical storm killed nearly 800 people in Haiti, devastating crops and causing more than $1 billion in damage, Carney Global Ventures provided funding to rebuild St. Nicolas Hospital. CGV also donated funds for a fully staffed operating room, as well as critical surgical equipment including:
- Hydraulic stretcher used to transport patients to and from the operating rooms and throughout the hospital during their recovery
- Anesthesia machine, for both adults and children, used to anesthetize patient during surgery and keep them anesthetized during the early stage of post-surgical recovery, if necessary.
- Multi-parameter transport monitor used during surgery and post-surgical transport to monitor vital signs such as heart rhythm, blood pressure, temperature, and respiration rate
- Adjustable IV pole holds IV fluid bags and can be transported with the patient
- IV infusion pump allows the precise administration of fluids and medications via the IV line
- Hydraulic operating table that can be adjusted to a variety of heights depending on the needs of the patient and OR team
- IV infusion pump
- Electrosurgical full duty bipolar monitor helps manage power to electrical surgical equipment during surgeries
- Mounted operating room light provides lighting at a variety of angles and strengths
- Major surgery instrument set includes the basic sets of instruments commonly used during surgeries (scalpels, scissors, clamps, retractors and surgical bowls)
- Operating room instrument table provides sterile housing for surgical instruments during operations
- Defibrillator used to reset a heart rhythm during or post-surgery
- Mounted operating room light
- Vital signs monitor used to monitor vital signs such as heart rhythm, blood pressure, temperature, and respiration rate during surgery
- Tabletop magnaclave used to clean and sterilize surgical instruments pre- and post-surgery